Welcome to the Compliance-Website of KIT

Compliance and Corruption Prevention at KIT

Compliance and corruption prevention stand for damage-preventing, rule-compliant behavior.

Compliant behavior is a great value for the KIT and all its members and the basis for a trustful and good cooperation, in order to ensure the safety and protection of all KIT staff and students and to preserve the reputation of the KIT.

We understand compliant behavior in particular as part of an early detection and quality assurance system, whose aim is to prevent law infringements and to identify and prevent risks in time. Our rules and organizational measures form the basis of our working relationship and serve to ensure that our everyday behavior is in accordance with the law.

Compliant behavior promotes transparency in our actions and increases trust among ourselves as well as in our dealings with external partners and associated institutions. It allows us to position ourselves professionally on an international level in our research and teaching activities.


The team of the Compliance staff unit is responsible for the following tasks:

  • to advise, support, and train the KIT employees in all questions concerning compliance and corruption prevention
  • to offer consulting services in overarching projects, processes, committees, audits, circles, etc. if required
  • conduct and evaluate a corruption-related risk analysis within the KIT
  • to promote the continuous development of a prevention system consisting of organizational and regulatory measures based on our findings
  • to draw up guidelines and directives or initiate their adoption

We are happy to assist you in the trustful search for the golden mean between research, ethics, law and humans on the basis of transparency and clarity of rules.


You can contact us by e-mail: info@comp.kit.edu

For further information please see "Whistleblowing".


Your enquiries and tips will naturally be treated with confidentiality.


Your Compliance and Corruption Prevention Commissioner